Hi, I am Ayush. I love startups .

I am a self-driven product professional with 3 years of experience in achieving business goals using technology and data. I have worked with multiple early stage startups within India and Malaysia in domains of OTA, Fintech and Transport Tech and have delivered multiple products within tight timelines. My strength is my love for data analytics and technology and deep passion for finding and solving problems for the end user and in return improving businesses.


Data Science

This is my first love


This is I'm passionate about.

Problem Solving

This is my forte

Digital Marketing

New found crush


It has been an adventure!

  • 1992-2010

    Grew up and schooled, Agra

    Grew up in the Taj city in a small business family. Developed love for Mathematics and numbers at early age. Sweared a dream to be a 'Scientist'. Did great in school and developed love for lawn tennis.

  • 2011-2015

    Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering, HBTI Kanpur

    Met super smart and passionate people. Found love for analytics, learned multiple tools, conudcted surveys for love for graphs and stats etc. Organised annual fests, developed convincing skills.

  • Summer 2013

    Laboratory scientist Intern

    First professional experience, handled projects in chemical laboratories. Developed importantce of decimals behind a reading.

  • Data Analytics Intern

    IIT Kanpur, India

    Summer 2014

    First formal interaction with data analytics. Learned R, python and advanced excel and contributed in multiple projects mainly in descriptive analytics. Happened as a rocket propulsion, I immediately decided that is something I am gonna do in my life.

  • Quantitative Analyst (Part Time)

    IIT Kanpur, India

    Jan 2015 - Feb 2015

    Another opportunity with great people and passionate entreprenuers. Worked on modeling of data using R & SPSS and models like HoltsWinter, ARMA, ARIMA etc. for well known companies. Worked under Prof Deepu and Prof S. Chandrasekhar.

  • Product Analyst Intern

    Mumbai, India

    May 2015 - July 2015

    Truebil was my first opportunity to be hands on and deliver a full working product within a strict timeline. Three months of exhilarating learning with brilliant team was the perfect starting point I can expect in my career. I got the opportunity to solely expand company operations in a new city, Pune.

  • Product Manager- Founding Employee

    Mumbai, India

    July 2015- Nov 2016

    I was the first employee of the company and so have witnessed heat of going from 10 to 100,000 users. As being the first employee, I looked around multiple departments and so wearing multiple hats at the same time. I started from ground level operations to understand the problems by drivers and customer first-hand and then build products to solve in a best possible way so that our business goals gets fulfilled. Products I developed with my talented team were our highly successful Partner mobile app, Internal CRM and SaaS product for our bus operators.

  • Product Manager

    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Dec 2016 - Feb 2018

    I was the product owner of Mobile and web team. I looked after revamping the mobile website as a PWA and also created the growth team in the company.

  • Product Manager - Data & Growth

    New Delhi, India

    Feb 2018 - Present

    POPxo is the largest women community in India with more than 5 million MAUs. I am working on revamping the complete data tracking strategy across all the products with scalability in mind. I also own the A/B testing and experimentation pipeline over the product leading to new features and optimization of user funnel. I work with a team of product anaysts, data scientists and other PMs to come up with hypotheses and validation.

  • More

Reach out

I would love to hear from you!


+91 741 755 0528 | New Delhi, India
